Afternoon / Evening Lecture Program (Online Lectures) - STIT AL-HIKMAH LAMPUNG
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Afternoon Evening Lecture Program STIT Al Hikmah Lampung Pts Ptn 1Afternoon Evening Lecture Program STIT Al Hikmah Lampung Pts Ptn 4Afternoon Evening Lecture Program STIT Al Hikmah Lampung Pts Ptn 10Afternoon Evening Lecture Program STIT Al Hikmah Lampung Pts Ptn 3Afternoon Evening Lecture Program STIT Al Hikmah Lampung Pts Ptn 6Afternoon Evening Lecture Program STIT Al Hikmah Lampung Pts Ptn 9Afternoon Evening Lecture Program STIT Al Hikmah Lampung Pts Ptn 2Afternoon Evening Lecture Program STIT Al Hikmah Lampung Pts Ptn 5Afternoon Evening Lecture Program STIT Al Hikmah Lampung Pts Ptn 8
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Afternoon / Evening Lecture / Class Program
STIT Al-Hikmah Lampung - AL-HIKMAH Tarbiyah College of Sciences

The following information about the Study Program / Majors / Department and Concentration / Specialization on STIT Al-Hikmah Lampung along curriculum (compulsory courses, choice, and weight SKS/credits).

Program Studi
Management of Islamic Education (S-1) Management of Islamic Education
Teacher Education Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (S-1) Teacher Education Madrasah Ibtidaiyah
Early Childhood Islamic Education (S-1) Pendidikan Guru Madrasah Ibtidaiyah

Curriculum Study Program / Majors / Department

(Required Courses and Elective Courses)
table of contents
1. S1 Management of Islamic Education Courses
2. S1 Teacher Education Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Courses

1. S1 Management of Islamic Education Courses
* = Concentration / Specificity / Elective Courses

Course SKS
Citizenship Education 2
Ulumul Qur an 3
Ulumul Hadith 3
Basic Social and Cultural Sciences 3
Introduction to Philosophy 2
Basic Arabic 2
Arabic I 2
Arabic II 2
Basic English 2
English I 2
English II 2
Indonesian 3
Islamic Study Methodology 3
Research Methodology 3
Descriptive Statistics 3
Inferential Statistics 3
Introduction to Islam 2
History of Islamic Civilization 2
History of Islamic Education 2
Usul Fiqh 3
Fiqh 3
Interpretation 3
Hadith 3
Psychology 2
Monotheism 2
Education Science 3
Organizational Communication 2
Educational Administration 2
Computer Application Management 2
Financial Management 2
Course SKS
Curriculum Management 3
Office Management 3
HR Management 3
Strategic Management 2
Islamic Education 3
Philosophy of Islamic Education 3
Guidance and Counseling 2
Risk Management 2
Educational Management 2
Islamic Education Management 2
Management Leadership 2
Marketing Management 2
Infrastructure Facility Management 2
Management Accounting 1 2
Management Accounting 2 2
Formal Education Management 2
Non-formal and Informal Education Management 2
Educational Innovation 2
Educational Evaluation 3
Public Administration Management 2
Business Ethics 2
Educational Management Information System 2
Anti-Corruption Education 2
Sufism 2
Practical Field Experience (PPL) 3
Field Work Practices (PKL) 2
Theory, Behavior and Organizational Culture 2
Personality Psychology 2
Real Work Lecture 4
Thesis 6
Entrepreneurship 2

2. S1 Teacher Education Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Courses
* = Special Electives
SKS = Semester Credit Units

Civic education2
Public philosophy2
Arabic - 12
Arabic - 22
English - 12
English - 22
Methodology of Islamic Studies2
History of Islam2
Ulumul Qur'an2
Ulumul Hadith2
morals Mysticism2
Community Service Program4
General psychology2
Developments Learners2
Education cornerstone2
Teaching and Learning2
Education Management2
Classroom action research2
Counseling guidance2
communication Education2
Teaching profession2
Practice Field Experience (PPL)4
Aqidah Akhlaq MI2
Learning Aqidah Akhlaq MI2
Al-Qur'an Hadith MI2
Learning Quran Hadith MI2
Fiqh MI2
Learning Fiqh MI2
Cultural History of Islam MI2
Learning History Islamic Cultural MI2
Learning methods2
Indonesian MI - 12
Indonesian MI - 22
Learning Indonesian MI2
Learning Mathematics MI2
Science MI-12
Science MI-22
Learning Science MI2
Social Sciences MI-12
Social Sciences MI-22
Learning Social Sciences MI2
Citizenship Education MI- 12
Citizenship Education MI- 22
Citizenship Education Learning MI2
Arabic MI2
Learning Arabic MI2
Thematic learning2
Arts Culture and Skills MI2
Arts and Culture Learning and Skills MI2
Health and Safety MI2
Learning Penjaskes MI2
Java Language MI2
Learning the Java Language MI2
English MI2
Learning English MI2
planning Learning2
MI Curriculum Development2
evaluation of Learning2
Resources and Learning Media2
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) MI2
ICT learning MI2
Educational Research Methodology2
seminar Proposal2
Propagation Studies *2
Propagation methods *2
Media Propagation *2
Propagation management *2
Psychology Propagation *2
Business and Entrepreneurship Islam *2
Management Syari'ah *2
Accounting Syari'ah *2
Operationalization of the Economic Institute of the People *2
Strategies Successful Entrepreneurs *2

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